Site icon Communicat Business Systems

Demonstration of Tencia

The best way for you to see Tencia is to contact Communicat and request a personalised presentation, so that you can see how Tencia would operate in your business.  In addition, Communicat provides seminars on a regular basis where you can visit the Communicat Training Centre and see the system demonstrated.  There is no cost or obligation for attending these events.

Tencia has been designed to provide a user-friendly interface that is consistent with other popular software such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

We provide the following examples of Tencia screens to give you a brief insight into the look and feel of Tencia.

General Ledger

General Ledger

General Ledger2

Purchase Orders

PO Requirements

Price Enquiry Stock Enquiry



Debtor Enquiry

Debtor Enquiry2

Advanced Sales

Advanced Sales2

Tencia V05